it's crowded out there so make a splash

Every marketer wants their brand to be a household name, or at least, well-known within their industry. But with so much competition in the digital space, it’s tough to stand out. Really tough. We believe that the key to winning is to be original, engaging, and unexpected. 

Free Radical specializes in developing commercials that help you stand out and build awareness for your brand. For each creative concept we develop and produce, our goal is the same: stop the scroll and leave the viewer wanting more.

creativity is in our dna

Our creative process is easy and exciting for your team with clear milestones and review opportunities every step of the way.


Our wordsmiths compose an inspiring story inspired by your core messaging.


Our creatives dream up compelling visuals based on your brand's style.


Our editors and animators bring the art to life with video and animation.

lights, cameras, attention

The biggest brands in the world invest massive amounts of resources into promotional commercials every year because they know that without brand awareness their businesses would cease to exist. Your product or service may not need to be as well-known as Apple or IBM, but it’s critical that your brand stands out within your industry.

Brand awareness isn’t about explaining your product or value proposition. Those videos should come later in your funnel. At the very top, it’s all about informing prospects and customers that you exist and that you can solve their problem. A great commercial should hook a viewer and lead them into your funnel, where they can learn more information.

When it comes to promos, we think that the more unique and attention-grabbing, the better. This might look different depending on your industry, but a great commercial should always be capable of stopping someone in their tracks. We like to call this being unexpected.

At Free Radical, creating an effective promo is a multi-faceted project that involves conceptualization, scriptwriting, live production, and often visual effects. We pride ourselves in our ability to dream up a unique concept that speaks directly to the problem your customers face, and then execute on that concept with world class production and post-production.

Cheat Sheet: 10 Questions to Answer When Brainstorming Your Brand Promo Video

Creating a Promo Video is an important exercise in understanding what makes your brand unique.

Use this free resource to get started!

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