Testimonial Reel

you have great stories to tell

Your organization has had brilliant successes. Your customers have seen their lives changed, and internally, you’ve achieved so much. But if you don’t tell those stories, who will?

At Free Radical, we love turning your epic success stories into inspiring testimonial videos that build credibility. Testimonial videos serve as valuable social proof for prospects who are evaluating your business, and they also reinforce your partnerships with existing customers.

testimonial videos   •  

creativity is in our dna

Our creative process is easy and exciting for your team with clear milestones and review opportunities every step of the way.


Our wordsmiths compose an inspiring story inspired by your core messaging.


Our creatives dream up compelling visuals based on your brand's style.


Our editors and animators bring the art to life with video and animation.

let’s get credible

Prospects in the evaluation stage of your marketing funnel will already have seen your brand video and explainer video. They know who you are and what you’re selling. But can they trust you? In this stage, there’s nothing more credible than hearing real people talk about their success with your organization.

You could share a story told from your own internal perspective, highlighting your value proposition or achievements. Or, showcase a customer’s success story to inspire your prospects with the possibilities that await them. A testimonial video can be approached from many angles, but the end result will be an inspiring story told by real people in their unique voices.

Research shows that social proof is the most important factor in determining whether prospects move from evaluating to purchasing. This is where you should be pulling out all the stops to get your story out in the most engaging, inspiring way possible.

At Free Radical, we believe that the conceptualization and scripting process for testimonial videos deserves just as much attention as any other type of video. Before cameras ever roll, we work with your team to ensure that the message and concept behind your testimonial video are fine-tuned to speak directly and effectively to your audience.

Cheat Sheet: 4 Steps to Telling a Great Brand Story

Creating a Testimonial Video is an important exercise in understanding your customers.

Use this free resource to get started!

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